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Shield Environmental Ltd.

Tips To Control Sediments And Erosion On Construction Sites

When it comes to topics like SWPPP or storm water pollution prevention, controlling sediments and erosion is very critical. A successful strategy to control runoff water can help reduce erosion and check sediment problems. The result is a better soil and erosion control during construction. Here are some expert tips to control sediments and erosion on construction sites while attempting land development Calgary.


Disturb the areas minimally
While commencing your construction project, make it a point to disturb the land only as much as it is necessary. Retain the natural vegetation and do not disturb the top soil as much as possible.


Phase the construction project
Controlling erosion and sedimentation can be done effectively by phasing the construction project efficiently. Until it is absolutely needed, do not break new ground. This can help avoid erosion and sediment problem to a great extent.



Ditches and sediment traps
Ditches and sediment traps are the most common ways to control the runoff water from within around the construction area. You can also think of going for up slope side diversion ditches to redirect the runoff.


Soil stabilization
Make use of strategies like seeding, blankets, wool binders and mulch for stabilizing the soil. For areas requiring permanent stabilization, go for permanent seeding, channel stabilization and green buffer.


Protect the slopes
You can think of several options for sediment and erosion control on slopes. Silt fencing and fiber rolls can be installed on gentle to moderate slopes. For slope protection, the other measures can be geo-textiles, mats and turf blankets.


Storm inlet protection
Inside a project area, it is necessary to protect the storm inlets. Silt fencing is the best way to achieve this. The other measures can be rock filled bags or gravel or block. While implementing these strategies, you must take into account the expected flow and the configuration of the inlet opening.


Perimeter control
Temporary silt fence barriers can help achieve a clean perimeter. This must be trenched into the ground for the sake of lateral resistance. Perimeter fence works best to retain sediment carried by storm water in case of small areas. This cannot give effective results in larger areas and high slopes where more comprehensive measures are called for.


Sediment traps and dewatering
Basins or sediment control traps help in reducing the runoff water and enable the sediment to settle before being discharged. EPA works like a sediment trap to bring down the amount of energy discharged into the water systems. To remove ground water or accumulated water from excavated areas, dewatering practices can help significantly.